Fit & Flat Ayurvedic Weight Loss Capsules


Each capsule contains extract of





Shudh shilajit                   
















Green tea extract             


Triyushnadi Lauh                 


Green coffee extract      













Vrikshamla (Garcinia Cambogia)
The fruit of G. cambogia has been traditionally used in food preparation and cooking. Garcinia and its active ingredient, HCA (hydroxy citric acid) is found to be effective in inhibiting lipogenesis, suppressing appetite and encouraging weight loss. HCA also reduces blood lipid levels and lower blood cholesterol. It also has hepato-protective ability.

HCA was shown to be a potent inhibitor of ATP citrate lyase. The inhibition of this reaction limits the availability of acetyl – CoA units required for fatty acid synthesis and lipogenesis. This added glycogen load in the liver stimulates a longer lasting neuro-signal from the liver to the brain, indicating satiety, thus helping to suppress appetite longer. (IJPRD, 2011; vol. 3(10) : Dec. 2011; 13-24)

Shilajit is an important drug mentioned in ayurvedic material medica since samhita period to the current era and used for the treatment of obesity and other diseases as single drug or in compound formulations. Shilajit has also been used as a rejuvenator and adaptogen. It was reported that shilajit facilitate energy production by improving activity of enzymes which are responsible for release of energy in the body. Thus it is helpful in reduction of body weight. Shilajit enhances the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and helps in improving blood circulation. It reduces the production and release of proinflammatory cytokines (causative factors of obesity). Shilajit have high iron concentration and fulvic acid enhances absorption of iron so that serum iron increases and become helpful in management of obesity. Presence of high concentration of fulvic acid and humic acis in shilajit reduces inflammations on body tissue and improve insulin resistance. (Int. J. Res. Ayurvedic Pharm. 6(1), Jan-Feb 2015)

Green Tea Extract (Camellia Sinensis)
Tea is the second most commonly drank liquid on earth after water. There are amny therapeutic values in green tea including aiding digestion, blood purification, lowering body temperature, boost immune system, enhance heart function, fights virus and lowers blood sugar levels.

Polyphenols (catechins and flavanoids), one of the main chemical components of tea, are primarily responsible for the beneficial properties of tea. Green tea is believed to be a potent source of beneficial antioxidants which may prevent coronary artery disease. Regular consumption of green tea extract high in catechins led to a reduction in body fat and LDL cholesterol, suggesting that green tea contributes to a decrease in obesity and cardiovascular disease. Intake of tea-catechin, together with regular exercise helps to reduce diet induced obesity. This effect might be attributed to the activation of whole body energy metabolism. (Food Research International 42; 2009; 529-535)

Green Coffee Extract
Several studies have reported the beneficial effects of coffee on human health. The raw green coffee beans are rich in caffeine, chlorogenic acid and its related metabolites. The beneficial effects of green coffee beans are majorly due to the chlorogenic acid content. Green coffee prevent bodyweight gain and fat accumulation by inhibiting fat absorption and increasing fat metabolism in the liver. Green coffee was reported to decrease the levels of cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL and significantly improve the levels of HDL and VLDL. Treatment with green coffee extract is reported to reduce leptin concentrations, which signals the inhibition of lipid accumulation in the adipose tissue. Chlorogenic acid, decreases blood glucose level and increases insulin level. Chlorogenic acid affects the enzymes that regulates lipid metabolism which exerts beneficial effects on obesity and dyslipidemia. (All Life, 2020, vol.13, no.1, 328-338)

Pushkarmool (Inula Racemosa)
The extract of roots of I. racemosa is evaluated for its cardio-protective and hypoglycemic activity in known cases of metabolic syndrome. It was found to be effective in correcting dyslipidemia and normalizing the BMI. Several experimental studies have proven the action of pushkarmool as an adrenegeric beta blocker and a good drug to control dyslipidemia. It is found effective in the management of different components of the metabolic syndrome. (World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol.5, issue 7, 2016)

Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa)
In ayurveda, B. diffusa has been classified as “RASAYANA” (rejuvenator) herb. It provides hepatoprotection and immunomodulation. Clinical studies suggest that the ethanolic extract from the whole plant of punarnava exhibited anti-obesity activity. Oral administration of leaf extract resulted in significant reduction in serum and tissue cholesterol, free fatty acids, phospholipids and triglycerides. Its ability to reduce the body weight gain could be due to its combined effect on the metabolic and serotonin pathways. Beta-sitosterol found in this plant has been suggested to reduce cholesterol by lowering the level of LDL- cholesterol. (World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol.4, issue 11, 2015)

Kutki (Picrorrhiza Kurroa)
In ayurvedic classical texts, certain herbs are mentioned as Medohara (anti-obesity) and Lekhaniya (hypolipidemic). These drugs may have profound influence on reduction of bodyweight and dyslipidemia. One such drug is kutki. Kutki improves gall bladder secretions, thus aiding in digestion and metabolism of fats. In a clinical study, daily doses of water extract of kutki significantly reduced total cholesterols, triglycerides and LDL levels. (IJHSR, vol.6; issue 8; Aug. 2016)

Methi (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum)
Methi is used to cure several types of life style disorders such as cardiovascular diseases, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia, liver ailments and sexual disorders. It is also considered as a rich source of dietary fibre and other important nutrients needed for proper growth and development. Several investigations report that hydroxyl isoleucine present in methi ameliorates insulin resistance caused by obesity. It was also demonstrated that the fibre present in fenugreek ominously suppresses the hunger. Galacto-mannan present in methi seed capture and excrete sugars from body before it moves in the blood causing loss of weight. Aqueous extract of methi decreases body weight, BMI, serum lipid profile. Leptin levels in the adipose tissue are reduced by fenugreek to control the appetite. Methi can be proved very useful in weight loss without any major side effect. (International Journal of Food Properties, 2020, vol.23, no.1, 1777-1791)

Khadira (Acacia Catechu)
Khadira possess multifarious medicinal properties such as anti-bacterial, anti-diarrhoeal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic, anti-obesity. It is described as “Medohara” (anti-obesity) in ayurveda and is also useful in treatment of “Prameha” (diabetes). The bark of khadira maintains healthy fat metabolism and reduces the conversion of carbohydrates to fats. It significantly lowers cholesterol and triglycerides. It is also extensively used in the management of diabetes. Hypoglycemic activity of extract of khadira is assumed to be due to the presence of flavonoids which show inhibition of cyclooxygenase and regenerate beta cells. Studies show that it inhibits insulin stimulated glucose transporters in cells. (EJPMR, 2019, 6(1), 216-223)

Ananas (Ananas Comosus)
Pineapple has progressed toward becoming a favorable fruit in obesity and dyslipidemia treatment as it contains a high amount of bromelin, which has a role in lipolysis and diminishing the severity of cardiovascular syndromes. Pineapple suppresses obesity by decreasing body serum lipid, weight gain and hepatic lipid accumulation. It also induced a decrease in number and size of adipocytes. It seemed to exert these effects by modulation of fat metabolism through down regulating lipogenesis and upregulating fatty acid oxidation at transcriptional level of lipid metabolism related genes. (Food Sci Biotechnol 2018, 27(5) ; 1429-1438)

Triyushnadi Lauh
Triyushnadi lauh is a polyherbal formulation used in the treatment of obesity and diabetes. It is vata pacifying drug and is useful in diseases caused by vata vitiation. It also helps in increasing digestive fire. (Ayurveda Saar Sangraha)

Chitrakmool (Plumbago Zeylanica)
P.zeylanica is considered as a Rasayana herb in ayurveda. It has also been used traditionally for the treatment of obesity. Plumbagin is one of its active constituents present in its roots. Clinical studies show that plumbagin reduce body weight gain, BMI and abdominal obesity. It reduces insulin resistance and lower serum glucose. It also reduces free fatty acids and cholesterol in liver. Plumbagin also suppress lipogenesis and stimulate fat oxidation. It also exerts antioxidant and anti inflammatory effect. (Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 111(2019); 686-694)

Vidanga (Emblia Ribes)
Vidanga is one of the important herb that has been described in Charak Samhita to treat obesity. Vidanga has been found to alleviate all the components of metabolic syndrome including adiposity, insulin resistance, elevated blood pressure, dyslipidemia. Oral administration of E. ribes ethanol extract has shown a preventive effect on body weight gain as well as exerted lipid lowering action, improvement in insulin and leptin sensitivity and increased antioxidant defense. (Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2019, 10(2))

Nagarmotha (Cyperus Rotundus)
Nagarmotha is grouped under “Lekhaniya Gana” in Charak Samhita. It is a group of medicinal plants acclaimed to clean the channels by removing fat deposits and body weight reducing effects. Studies show that C. rotundus extract induced a significant reduction in weight gain. Ethanolic extract of C. rotundus show significant anti-diabetic activity, improvement in body weight and reduction in elevated SGPT, SGOT, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The tuber extract of nagarmotha contains activators of beta-adrenoceptors that reduce obesity by stimulating thermogenesis of brown adipose tissue. Nagarmotha can be used in the effective management of metabolic syndrome due to its anti inflammatory, anti oxidant, hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic, antiobesity effects. (RJLBPCS, 2021)

Ayurvedic medicine uses triphala as a pillar of gastrointestinal treatment, however the complexity of three rejuvenative herbs (Amalaki, Haritaki, Vibhataki) in the formulation allows for many applications. Studies have demonstrated the potential of triphala as a therapeutic agent for weight loss and reduction of body weight. Triphala treatment decreases the percentage of body fat, body weight and energy intake. Triphala also decreased total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Mean fasting blood sugar and fasting serum insulin levels are also reduced. Triphala also exerts hypoglycemic effects. (JACM, vol.23, no.8, 2017, 607-614)

Nishoth (Operculina Turpethum)
Nishoth is a potent and well known medicinal herb, used to treat various ailments. Its main actions are expectorant and laxative. The roots of nishoth are beneficial in treating fatty liver and improving fat metabolism in the liver. It works effectively against obesity by decreasing excessive body fat. (International Journal of Herbal Medicine 2020; 8(4) : 88-92)

Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)
T.cordifolia is one of the components of several traditional formulations with potent rejuvenating, immunomodulatory, cytoprotective and antioxidant properties that help to manage disordered physiological processes of body. T. cordifolia due to its antidiabetic, cardioprotective and hypolipidemic properties can be used for management of various metabolic disorders. Rich bioactive phytoconstituents of this plant play a vital role in expression of its wide range of beneficial effects in metabolic disorders. It has been evauated for its antidiabetic and antiobesity potency. The aqueous extract of root has hypoglycemic effect, which significantly reduces the serum liver enzymes and prevents the weight gain. (Himalayan Journal of Health Sciences, 2021 : 6(1))