Fab-50 Syrup Pre Menopause Supplement for Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Mood Swings
Fab- 50 Syrup Composition
Each 10ml contains extracts of
Sag-angur |
20mg |
Brahmi |
250mg |
Ashoka |
250mg |
Dashmoola |
250mg |
Lodhra |
250mg |
Kachnaar Guggul |
250mg |
Satavari |
250mg |
Black Seed |
150mg |
Jatamansi |
250mg |
Vaividang |
100mg |
Swet Chandan |
150mg |
Trivrit |
75mg |
Dhataki |
250 mg |
Arjun Chaal |
250mg |
Red Clover |
125mg |
Vanshlochan |
150mg |
Alfa Alfa |
200mg |
Shilajit |
200mg |
Daruharidra |
150mg |
Bala |
250mg |
Tagar |
125mg |
Ginkgo Biloba |
200mg |
Triphala |
250mg |
Sag-Angur/Angurshefa/Suchi Buti (Atropa Belladona)
Atropine and hyoscymine from A. belladonna act as stimulants to the sympathetic nervous system. It is often used to control excess sweating. It is also used as a sedative. It is also useful in treatment of anxiety. (IJARS ; vol.1, no.1, April 2017)
Belladona is used in homeopathic system of medicine for the treatment of hot flashes in menopausal women but there is no scientific evidence supporting its efficacy.
Ashoka (Saraca Asoca)
S.asoca stem bark is used to treat all disorders associated with the menstrual cycle. It is used as an astringent to stop excessive uterine bleeding, also as a refrigent, demulcent, uterine disorders. (Journal of Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research, 2009, 1(1) ; 62-71)
S.asoca is a uterine tonic. It show astringent effect on uterine muscle fibres. It stimulates the endometrium and ovarian tissue. It shows anti-estrogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-progestational, CNS depressant activities. (European Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Research, 2016, 3(6), 274-279)
Lodhra (Symplocos Racemosa)
The bark of S. racemosa is astringent, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, haemostatic, stomachic. According to ayurvedic texts, it has pitta and kapha dosha pacifying activities. It has been considered as drug of choice in the treatment of gynecological disorders. Lodhra has been used to cure menorrhagia, leucorrhea and other menstrual disorders. Clinical studies show efficacy of ethanolic extract of lodhra bark in treating female reproductive dysfunctions. Aqueous extract of plant significantly stimulated serum FSH level and serum LH level. These studies show the usefulness of lodhra in uterine disorders. (Pharmacologia, Feburary 2014)
Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus)
Shatavari is considered a female tonic in ayurveda. It is beneficial in female infertility, increases libido, cures inflammation of sexual organs and even moistens dry tissues of the sexual organs, enhances folliculogenesis and ovulation. It normalizes the uterus and the changing hormones. It is described as Rasayana (rejuvenator), Balya (strength promoting) and Jeevaniya (an erythropoetic) in ayurveda. A. racemosus show phytoestrogenic activity due to the presence of steroid saponins which exert hormone like actions in the body, and also due to isoflavones which have mild estrogenic activity that help to balance the estrogen levels. Shatavari being known source of phytoestrogens can be effective in reducing adverse menopausal symptoms. The symptoms of menopause are due to the body experiencing a withdrawl to estrogen; thus phytoestrogens occupy vacant receptors and stimulate estrogenic action. Shatavari have shown its effectiveness in alleviating the symptoms in postmenopausal period. (IJPBA, May-Jun 2011, vol.2, issue 3)
Jatamansi (Nordostachys Jatamansi)
N.jatamansi possess analgesic, sedative, tonic, anti-oxidant, stomachic, diuretic, CNS depressant, laxative properties. It helps in relieving vaso-motor symptoms in post menopausal women. Jatamansi produces a feeling of well being in the body. It contains phytoestrogens. It is helpful in relieving menopausal symptoms due to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, CNS depressant, sedative and tranquilizer properties. The active ingredient Jatamansone is known as stress modulator and is responsible for anti-anxiolytic and sedative effects. It also reduces oxidative stress in the body, hence it relieves vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women. (EC Clinical & Medical Case Reports 2.9 (2019) ; 01-09)
Swet Chandan (Santalum Album)
In ayurveda, the sandalwood plant is used as an expectorant, diuretic, astringent, stimulant, coolant and sedative agent. It is used to balance vata, kapha and pitta dosha of the body. It reduces depression and nervous tension and controls excessive sweating. It is used as a mind stimulant and relieves anxiety. It possess antipyretic, diuretic, expectorant, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Due to the cooling property of the plant, it is used to pacify the aggravated nervous system, helps in balancing vyana vayu (circulating air element) and is useful in treating depression and anxiety. It is also used as a blood purifier. (Intl. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2021 ; 9(4) : 90-99)
Dhataki (Woodfordia Fruticosa)
According to Indian system of medicine, the flower of W. fruticosa is pungent, acrid, cooling, uterine sedative and anthelmintic and is useful in thirst, dysentery, leprosy, blood diseases, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia. It is considered as kapha and pitta suppressant in auyrveda. The aqueous extract of the flowers is recorded as a uterine sedative. It was also shown to be effective in dysfunctional uterine bleeding. It can also treat anemia due to excessive bleeding associated with menstrual disorders. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities. (Journal of Ethnopharmacology 110 (2007) 189-199)
Red Clover (Trifolium Pratense)
Red clover has been used by women to treat vasomotor symptoms of menopause as an alternative to hormonal therapy. Red clover mainly contains the isoflavone aglycones, formonentin and biochanin A. Red clover isoflavones with structural similarties to the endogenous 17 beta-estradiol reveal their biological effects via activating estrogen receptors. It also possess antioxidant activity. (Nutrients, 2021, 13, 1258)
Alfa Alfa (Medicago Sativa)
Traditionally, M. sativa is used as a rejuvenator, anti-diabetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, diuretic. It is considered beneficial in menopausal symptoms. It acts as a uterine stimulant. Methanol extract of M. sativa shows significant estrogenic activity. Extract of the leaves from M. sativa has been shown to be used in treatment of neurovegetative menopausal symptoms in women. Hot flushes and night sweating completely disappeared with the treatment of M. sativa extract. (Pharmaceutical Biology, vol. 49, 2011, issue 2)
Daruharidra (Berberis Aristata)
Traditionally, B. aristata is employed for its supposed properties in treatment of joint pain and also used in alleviating symptoms of menopause. Studies show the protective effect of aqueous-methanol extract of B. aristata. It possess potent anti-osteoporosis activity and can be used in treatment of post menopausal osteoporosis. (Journal of Ethnopharmacology 134(2) : 334-338)
Tagra (Valeriana Wallichi)
Valerian root is used for the treatment of different diseases such as dizziness, neural pains, neural unilateral headaches and anxiety. Because of its phytoestrogenic components, valerian is also recommended for the reduction of menopause symptoms, sleeplessness and mental disorders. Valerian is a phytoestrogenic herb. Phytoestrogens act as an estrogen agonist and may show estrogen like effects. Valerian reduce the severity and frequency of hot flashes and other menopausal sympyoms. It also reduce the risk of heart diseases and osteoporosis, alleviate the menopause symptoms and improve memory and sleeping patterns. (Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (2013), 12(1) : 217-222)
Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri)
B.monnieri is termed as Jeevaneeya (life promoters), Vayasthapan (rejuvenators) and Balya (strength promoters) in ayurveda. During menopause, vitiated vata causes anxiety, depression, insomnia involving Manovaha strotas (channels carrying thoughts, emotions, ideas). Nervine tonics such as brahmi are useful in resolving the changes at psychological leval and thereby providing relief to menopausal women. Brahmi also possess rejuvenating, analgesic, anxiolytic and sedative properties. (J. Res. Tradit. Med., Sept-Oct 2016, vol.2, issue 5)
Clinical studies show that extract of brahmi containing 55% of combined bacoside A and bacoside B alleviated insomnia in postmenopausal women. Study also showed that extract of brahmi reduced both triglyceride and VLDL level in postmenopausal women. These findings may support its use in reducing the risk of cardio-vascular disease in postmenopausal women. (The Pharma Innovation Journal 2015 ; 4(1) : 91-95)
Nigella Sativa (Black Seed)
Extract of black seeds have many therapeutic effects such as immune-modulative, anti-bacterial, hypotensive, hepatoprotective. It has been reported to possess antioxidant activity. Clinical studies shows a beneficial effect of black seeds on improved balance between blood oxidants and antioxidants in healthy postmenopausal women. (SAGE Open Medicine)
Another study demonstrated that N. sativa exert estrogenic effect which makes it suitable for use as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy for postmenopause in women. (AJP, vol.6, no.1, Jan-Feb 2016)
Another study suggested that treatment with N. sativa exert a protective effect by improving lipid profile and blood glucose which are in higher risk to be elevated during menopausal period. (Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2014, 4(1), 29-33)
Vaividang (Embelia Ribes)
E.ribes has been used as an ingredient in most of the ayurvedic formulations for the treatment of various ailments. It can be used in treatment of menopausal symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anxiolytic, anti-depressant, anti-hyperlipidemic and cardio-protective activity. (J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2016, 8(4) : 1229-1233)
The roots of I. turpethum are bitter, acrid, sweet, thermogenic, purgative, carmibative, anti-pyretic, stimulant. They are useful in constipation, vitiated conditions of vata, myalgia, arthralgia, obesity, gastropathy, inflammations etc. (IJPSR, 2012 ; VOL.3 : 21-25)
Arjun Chhal (Terminalia Arjuna)
T.arjuna bark is considered to be the most important constituent from medical point of view. The bark is well known for its bone remineralization properties and extensively used to treat osteoporosis and other bone related disorders as it improves the synthesis and secretion of female hormones. This is useful in relieving general debility in postmenopausal women. (Indian Journal of Natural Products &Resources, vol.6(2), June 2015, 98-105)
During menopause, vitiated vata and rasa dhatu dushti causes palpitations involving Rasavaha strotas. Arjuna being a cardiac tonic is useful in improving the cardiac activity and reduce palpitations. (J. Res. Tradit. Med., Sept-Oct 2016, vol.2, issue 5)
Bala (Sida Cordifolia)
S.cordifolia is a rich source of phytoestrogens. It is useful in treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. It suppresses bone resorption, negate the bone resorption effects, increase calcium retention in bones and augment the action of estrogen on bone. (Obst. & Gynae. Today, 2005 ; X(7) ; 362-367)
Dashmool is a collection of roots of ten plants. The combination of these ten roots is used widely in ayurveda for many health conditions related to nerves, muscles, bones and joints. It has potent anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant action. According to ayurveda, dashmool mainly acts on vata dosha and reduces its aggravation. It also acts on organs located in vata locations. It provides strength to the body. It tones muscles and soothes nerves. (www.ayurtimes.com)
Shilajit is a multi-component natural occurring mineral substance used in ayurveda system of medicine. It is aptly referred to as rasayana (rejuvenator) in ayurveda because it prevents ailment and enhances the quality of life. Shilajit exerts action as a tonic, laxative, expectorant, diuretic, immuno-modulator and anti-hypertensive. It is beneficial in treatment of genito-urinary disorders. Shilajit as rasayana improves the quality of rasa dhatu (plasma) and strengthens the tissues of the body. (Journal of Ethnopharmacology 136(2011); 1-9)
Ginkgo Biloba
G.biloba is one of the herbal medicines most used worldwide. It has been described that G. biloba has beneficial effects on neurological disturbances including memory loss, dementia, mood fluctuations and psychomotor symptoms. Clinical studies also suggest that G. biloba extract is a potential alternative therapy for the management of weight gain associated with menopause. (Frontiers in Pharmacology. Sept.2017, vol.8,article 605)
Vanshlochan is siliceous resin and bamboo exudates obtained from female bamboo trees. It is beneficial because of its strengthening action and adaptogenic properties. Vanshlochan has restorative effect on body tissues. It is also used as an immune-modulator. It pacifies vitiated vata and pitta in the body. (www.ayurtimes.com)
Triphala is a mixture of three herbs in equal quantities i.e.amalaki, haritaki and vibhataki. Triphala is said to have considerable estrogenic activity. It can be considered as a good source of phytoestrogens and recommended for all three dosha vitiation. Vitiated vata and rasa dushti (disorders of circulatory system) causes constipation and flatulence involving Annavaha strotas (channel of food transport). Triphala being a laxative and carminative causes of anulomana of vata and thereby facilitates easy movement of bowels and flatulence. (J. Res. Tradit. Med, Sept-oct 2016, vol. 2, issue 5).
Triphala also possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, analgesic, anti-stress, hypoglycemic effects.
Kanchnaar Guggul
Kanchnaar guggul is a classical ayurvedic formulation used for kapha accumulations in the tissues. As kapha moves deeper with in the system, it may manifest as swollen lymph nodes, cysts or growths. This detoxifying blend of herbs mixed with guggul supports the proper function of the lymphatic drainage and digestive systems, aiding in the prevention of further kapha accumulation. It promotes elimination of inflammatory toxins; it is alterative and tonic. Kancnaar is very useful in extra growth or tumors and helps in reducing bleeding. (AYU Journal, Jul-Sep 2014, vol.35,issue 3)
Five elements of ayurveda

Ayurveda states that our bodies are composed of five basic elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Sky. In comabination, these elements form three types of energy, referred to as Tridoshas - Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha.

Air and Sky combine to form Vatta, the body's breathing system, tissue movement, and blood circulation

A Pitta is formed when Fire and Water combine, and it is responsible for digestion, metabolism, temperature regulation, and intelligence.

A Water and Earth form Kapha, which governs physical structure, emotions, memory retention, and immunity
An individual's Prakruti, or constitution, determines their health, well-being, and vulnerability to disease, according to Ayurveda. Tridoshas dictate this constitution. Many health problems occur in our bodies as a result of our daily routine, eating habits, sleeping habits, and mindset. As a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, the Doshas become imbalanced, which further results in diseases.
How To Use
7.5-10 ML 2-3 times a day.
2.5 - 5 ml 2-3 times a day.
Drink Lukewarm Water after Syrup
Consume for 2 months
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