Keshnuma Capsules
Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)T. cordifolia is a popular medicinal plant which is used in several traditional medicines to cure various diseases. The plant is commonly used as traditional ayurvedic medicine and has several therapeutic properties. Giloy support the immune system, the body’s resistance to infections, supports standard white blood cell structure, function & levels. It possesses antioxidant, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, anti-stress, hepatoprotective, wound healing, immunomodulatory activities. (Heliyon 5, 2019)
Giloy is used to improve or boost immunity. It contains number of antioxidants which fight free-radicals, keep your cells healthy and get rid of diseases. Giloy helps to remove toxins and purifies blood, fights against bacteria. Giloy is very beneficial in improving digestion and treating bowel related issues. Giloy powder with some amla can be used regularly for maximum results. This plant contains anti-aging properties that help reduce dark spots, pimples, fine lines and wrinkles. It provides flawless, glowing skin of an individual. (Current Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019)
E. prostrata is an important medicinal plant and is widely used in treating various diseases of skin, liver & stomach. Various extracts & isolated compounds of E. prostrata showed a wide range of biological activities such as antimicrobial, anticancer, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective and hair growth promoting activities. Traditionally, it is used to treat different skin problems, hair loss prevention & dermatitis. Its juice is taken orally or applied locally to promote hair growth. The plant is widely used in India for the treatment of skin problems, hepatic problems, gastrointestinal problems, respiratory problems, hair loss, whitening of hair, spleen enlargement etc. research studies conducted on petroleum ether extract of bhringraj show its hair growth promoting activity. The major contributors were wedelolactone and β-sitosterol in petroleum ether extract, which were responsible for hair growth promotion. (Biomolecules, 2021)
H. indicus is a medicinal plant with diverse therapeutic uses. It has been traditionally claimed for a large number of pharmacological actions. It is used in many cosmetic herbal formulations for anti-acne, anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties. Anantmool is a good source of phytochemicals and various pharmacological activities due to which it can be used in various herbal product formulations. It is a good source of saponins which have good antioxidant properties and also have foaming & cleansing property that helps to remove dirt & impurities. The plant is used as lipase inhibitor for skin/hair external preparation. Polyherbal composition contains the root which is used as anti-inflammatory agent. This prevents redness, swelling & discomfort caused by inflammation. The smoothening properties of anantmool eliminate the dry & itchy skin. It contains natural antioxidant that helps to protect from environmental stressors. Plant extracts are used as hair growth stimulators. It can be used to prevent dandruff owing to its antibacterial properties. (International Journal of Scientific Development & Research, vol.3, issue 10, Oct. 2018)
Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza Glabra)
G. glabra is used in traditional medicine across the world for its ethnopharmacological value. It is effectively used as anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, anti-tussive, antioxidant, skin-whitening & anti-diuretic agent. High content of phenolic component in ethanolic extract of mulethi is responsible for its powerful antioxidant activity. It was reported that flavanoids from liquorice are currently the strongest natural antioxidants known. Thus liquorice extract can be efficiently used to formulate cosmetic products for the protection of skin & hair gainst oxidative damage. Synergestic effect of its UV proetective, antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties might be responsible for giving beneficial effects on skin. The hydro-alcholic extract of liquorice showed good hair growth promoting activity ad it can be safely used in herbal formulations in treatment of various types of alopecia. (International Journal of Herbal Medicine 2014; 2(2) ; 132-136)
E. officinalis, commonly known as Indian gooseberry or amla is one of the most important medicinal plant in Indian traditional systems of medicine. Amla is widely used as diuretic, laxative, liver tonic, refrigerant, stomachic, restorative, antipyretic, hair tonic, ulcer preventive and for common cold, fever. Amla is highly nutritious and is one of the richest sources of vit. C, amino acids & minerals. It is used in ayurveda as a powerful rasayana. It is used as a hair tonic as it enriches hair growth and pigmentation. Dried fruit boiled in coconut oil prevents graying of hair. The water in which dried amla pieces are soaked overnight is also nourishing to hair. It possesses strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immune-modulatory and anti-aging properties. Research studies showed it exhibit hair growth promoting activity. (Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 24(2), Jan-Feb 2014)
Brahmi is classified as a memory enhancer & rejuvenator, and also for increasing longevity. Due to its significant use in age-related memory and cognitive impairement, enhancing life span and providing nutrition, it is recommended in various psychiatric disorders. It is used in ayurveda for memory enhancement, to increase cognitive ability and for lack of concentration and anxiety. Brahmi showed significant anti-inflammatory & antioxidant actions. (www.researchgate.net)
Brahmi contains essential oils, sterols, flavanol, glycoside & triterpenoid saponins. Brahmi oil and soft extract are two commercial preparation of brahmi used in hair care formulations. It is also categorized as rasayana in ayurveda and hence possesses the properties of delaying ageing signs like graying of hair. Brahmi also helps in relieving mental fatigue and hence helps in maintaining proper bodily envirionment that leads to healthy hair. (Pharmacognosy Journal, vol.2, issue 10, June 2010)
Abhrak Bhasma (MICA)
Abhrak bhasma is a type of ayurvedic preparation prepared from repeated incineration of mica mineral with decoction of various medicinal herbs. Traditionally, it has been used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, bleeding disorders, diabetes, anemia, skin diseases etc. It has also been considered to have anti-aging properties and therefore used in various rejuvenating preparations. (Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 44(2), May-Jun 2017)
Bhasma, in general have rasayana properties because of their ability to penetrate into the smallest units in the body and have therapeutic benefits when administered correctly. Abhrak bhasma have a better rasayana effect. Abhrak bhasma exhibits a large number of properties that are seen in rasayana drugs. It can be used to prevent and treat oxidative stress, depleted immunity, reduced haemoglobin production, decreased sperm count & other issues. (World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 9, issue 7, 2020)
Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera)
Ashwagandha is considered as an excellent rejuvenator, a general health tonic & a cure for a number of health complaints. It is used for increasing energy, endurance and acts as an adaptogen that exerts a strong immunostimulatory and an anti-stress agent. Ashwagandha stimulates the immune system, combats inflammation, increases memory & helps maintain general health & wellness. It rejuvenates the nervous system, erases insomnia and eases stress. Ashwagandha enhances “ojas” which is responsible for a healthy immune system, physical strength, lustrous complexion, clarity of mind & sense of well being. Ashwagandha may also help boost metabolism & eliminate irregularities in digestion. Ashwagandha being rich in iron can help build red blood cells & improve blood circulation. Ashwagandha is approved as a greatest rejuvenative herb in Indian herbal system. (The Pharma Journal, vol. 1, No. 9, 2012)
Use of ashwagandha help relieve hair loss and strengthen the hair roots. It contains properties such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidants. It is rich in protein, iron, vitamin C, tyrosine & potassium. It shows its antioxidant property by increasing the DHEA synthesis which boosts the formation of collagen and sebum on the scalp. It also prevents the scalp from UV damage. Tyrosine which is rich in ashwagandha helps to keep the melanin level stable, which is a pigment responsible for hair color. (TIJER, Feb. 2023, vol.10, issue 2)
Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus)
Asparagus racemosus also known as shatavari is one of the well known drugs in ayurveda. It is mentioned as medhya (promote intelligence, learning & memory), rasayana (rejuvenator), balya (strength promoter) & jeevinya (erythropoietic). Shatavari improves health by increasing immunity, vitality and resistance, imparting longevity as well as protection against stress. In modern ayurvedic practices the roots of the plant are considered to be effective as appetizer, stomach tonic, aphrodisiac, astringent, anti-inflammatory, blood purifier etc. (International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives, 2011, 2(3) : 855-863)
Shatavari shows the presence of many chemical constituents which are responsible for various pharmacological and medicinal properties. The methanol extract of its root exhibits antibacterial property against infectious diseases. It is an important traditional digestive tonic for dyspepsia & indigestion. Alcoholic and aqueous extracts of A. racemosus root has hepatoprotective, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory property. It is used for improving the general state of health and for stress related immune disorders. It is also beneficial in the management of stress and inflammatory conditions. The rhizome is a soothing tonic that acts mainly on the circulatory, digestive, respiratory and female reproductive organs. (International Journal of Advanced Research, 2016, vol.4, issue 3, 259-267)Draksha (Vitis Vinifera)
Common grape vine is known as draksha in ayurveda. Fruits of vitis vinifera have been used for thousands of years because of their nutritional & medicinal benefits. Grapes skin is rich in resveratrol which is a derivative of stilben. Studies have shown that resveratrol is one of the strongest known natural antioxidants. Grapes are sweet to taste and act as body coolants. They are soft, heavy to digest and increase the moistness of body tissues. By virtue of these properties, this fruit alleviates vata & pitta. Grapes strengthen the muscles of heart and increase the nutrient components (hemoglobin) of blood. Grapes help to reduce burning sensation of skin. It boosts the immunity of skin & detoxifies it. Dry grapes or raisins help to ease bowel movement and to cool eyes. Raisins can relieve stress, anxiety & calms the mind. (International Journal of Science & Research, vol. 6, issue 3, March 2017)
Moringa (Moringa Oleifera)
M. oleifera is a highly valued plant with an impressive range of medicinal uses in high nutritional value. Various parts of this plant such as leaves, roots, seed, bark, fruit, flowers and immature pods act as cardiac and circulatory stimulants, possess anti-tumor, antipyretic, antiepileptic, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antispasmodic, diuretic, antihypertensive, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antibacterial and antifungal activities and are being employed for the treatment of different ailments in the indigenous system of medicine. M. oleifera is an important food commodity. Moringa leaves have been reported to be a rich source of β-carotene, protein, vitamin C, calcium and potassium and act as a good source of natural antioxidants. The high concentrations of ascorbic acid, oesterogenic substances, iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper, vitamins A, B & C, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, folic acid, pyridoxine, β-carotene & essential amino acids in moringa leaves and pods make it a virtually ideal dietary supplement. Moringa leaves are effective for the regulation of thyroid hormone. Aqueous leaf extracts regulate thyroid hormone and can be used to treat hyperthyroidism and exhibit an antioxidant effect. Moringa seeds have specific protein fractions for skin & hair care. With dual activity, antipollution & conditioning/strenghtnening of hair, the M. oleifera seed extract is a globally innovative solution for hair care. (Phytotherapy Research, 21, 17-25, 2007)
Gandhak Rasayana
Gandhak rasayana is an important herbo-mineral drug used in ayurveda as a rasayana (rejuvenator) drug. It is extensively used in a wide range of clinical conditions such as skin diseases, as an appetizer, in respiratory disorders, arthritis, allergies, pain symptoms, bladder disorder, diabetes & cough. It is believed to favorably influence tissue repairing and rejuvenation. (Journal of Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine, 2021)
Gandhak rasayana is used in the treatment of skin diseases, itching, chronic fever, urinary tract disorders etc. it is an antiaging medicine, improves digestion, skin complexion and immunity. It also revives grey hair. (www.ayurmedinfo.com)
Jatamansi (Nardostachys Jatamansi)
N. jatamansi is a reputed ayurvedic herb and used in various multiple formulations. It has several activities including anticonvulsant, anti-parkinson’s, tranquilizing, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, hypotensive, anti-diabetic activity. It is described as Medhya (brain tonic), Rasayna (rejuvenative to the mind), Nidrajnana (promotes sleep), Manasrogaghana (alleviates mental diseases) in ayurveda. It is used in mental disorder, insomnia, hypertension and heart diseases. (Journal of Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry 2015; 3(5) ; 102-106)
The rhizomes of jatamansi are used since antiquity in the indigenous systems of medicine. The rhizomes and roots of plant are used as anti-stress agents. The rhizome is being used as an aromatic adjunct in the preparation of medicinal oils to promote growth of hair, and also imparts blackness. The crude extract, fractions and two of the isolated compounds from jatamansi were tested for their hair growth activity. The hair growth studies showed good activities for the extract, fraction & the isolated compounds. (Pharmacognosy Magzine, 2011)
Harad (Terminalia Chebula)
T. chebula is a common medicinal plant used in folk medicines like unani, ayurveda & homeopathy. The entire palnt retains great medicinal significance and has been conventionally employed for the management of various diseases of humans. T. chebula is known to be a good antioxidant and very helpful in the balance of nervous system. It also exhibits antibacterial and antifungal activity. T. chebula fruit extract displayed anti-inflammatory activity. Haritaki increases digestion, regulates colon function & stimulates the absorption of nutrients. The herb also exhibited adrenergic role and supports the fight with stress. (Herba Polonica, Feb. 2018)
Curcumin (Curcuma Longa)
Curcumin is the principal curcuminoid of the popular Indian spice turmeric. Curcumin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-fungal actions. Curcumin exerts anti-inflammatory activity by inhibition of a number of different molecules that play an important role in inflammation. Turmeric has also been used for centuries in ayurvedic medicine. It is a potent antioxidant. Curcumin is as powerful and antioxidant as vitamins C, E & β-carotene. Research has also confirmed the digestive benefits of turmeric. Turmeric acts as a cholagogue, stimulating bile production, thus, increasing the body’s ability to digest fats, improving digestion & eliminating toxins from the liver. Curcumin also enhances immunity. (www.researchgate.net).
Trayushanadi Loha
Trayushanadi loha is an ayurvedic medicine. It is used in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, skin diseases, indigestion. It has ingredients like shunthi, pippali, maricha, triphala, chitraka, black salt, rock salt, iron calx etc. These ingredients increases digestion, promote bowel movements & balances kapha & vata dosha. (www.ayurmedinfo.com).
Trayushanadi loha has katu rasa (pungent taste), laghu & ruksha guna (light & dry properties), ushna virya (hot potency) & kaphaghna karma (kapha pacifying). It has dipana (stomachic), pachana (digestive) and yakrituttejaka (liver stimulating) properties. It has srotorodhnivaraka (clear blockage of minute channels) karma. (IAMJ, Nov. 2015)
Five elements of ayurveda

Ayurveda states that our bodies are composed of five basic elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Sky. In comabination, these elements form three types of energy, referred to as Tridoshas - Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha.

Air and Sky combine to form Vatta, the body's breathing system, tissue movement, and blood circulation

A Pitta is formed when Fire and Water combine, and it is responsible for digestion, metabolism, temperature regulation, and intelligence.

A Water and Earth form Kapha, which governs physical structure, emotions, memory retention, and immunity
An individual's Prakruti, or constitution, determines their health, well-being, and vulnerability to disease, according to Ayurveda. Tridoshas dictate this constitution. Many health problems occur in our bodies as a result of our daily routine, eating habits, sleeping habits, and mindset. As a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, the Doshas become imbalanced, which further results in diseases.
How To Use
7.5-10 ML 2-3 times a day.CHILDREN
2.5 - 5 ml 2-3 times a day.Drink Lukewarm Water after Syrup
Consume for 3 months
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